Whilst browsing a local Chinese store recently I was wide-eyed with amazement at all the unusual, interesting and downright odd (at least to my British senses) food items sold there. Amongst the oddities I discovered coconut jam, various Meiji products, soybean soda and...this. Yes, you read the title correctly, this is a fizzy Chrysanthemum Tea Soda Drink.
Looking at the ingredients I noticed it contains 12% "aqueous extract of chrysanthemum", as well as water, sugar and a few e-numbers. The label helpfully informed me that these "may have an adverse effect on attention and activity in children". Thankfully I'm not a child, although you would be forgiven for thinking otherwise!
Pouring it into a glass, I could smell a horrible sickly sweet flowery smell that reminded me of cammomile tea, which is the only reference I have for flowery-tasting beverages. I was a little scared of trying it to be honest; it had a pale yellow colour that didn't look all that appetizing (I won't say what it reminded me of since this is a family-friendly blog!)
I finally took a sip, and it tasted just as bad as I had imagined. It was insanely sweet, and very sickly. I struggled to drink much because it made me feel a little nauseous. The best way I can describe the taste is like cold cammomile tea, with lots and lots of sugar, but without the calming, gentle taste that cammomile tea has. After a few sips I poured the rest down the sink.
Overall, I'm glad I tried this chrysanthemum tea drink just so I can add it to the list of odd food and drinks I've tried, but I won't ever be touching it again!
Price: 70p at Chinese supermarket.
Nutritional/ingredients info: Contains 12% aqueous extract of chrysanthemum and e-numbers.
Made in: Product of Malaysia.