If you're dairy free, one of the big things you may miss from your dairy eating days might be caramel, that lovely sugary substance made from a base of condensed milk. Luckily now thanks to Nature's Charm you can get a vegan variety - condensed coconut milk! Who knew such a thing was possible?
When I saw this in my local vegan store my eyes perked up - I HAD to have it! I love coconut milk and use it in all manner of dishes, so this was the next best thing. Consisting of a mixture of sugar and coconut milk, presumably cooked together to form this gloopy thick syrup.
Opening the can, it was very thick and already looked like caramel, but with a sweet coconut aroma.
I tried a spoonful by itself, and it had a lovely fudgey coconut flavour. I had to be careful not to eat too much - it tasted absolutely delicious! This is seriously dangerous stuff and would make a good addition to all manner of things from coffee, cakes, or simpy spread on toast.
I used the rest of it to make a dairy free fudge using dark chocolate, mixing it with melted Green & Blacks and letting it set. It was very delicious and made for a super rich fudge.
Overall, this is a fantastic product and a must-have for any vegan or anyone avoiding dairy that misses condensed milk based treats. I've heard there's a way to turn it into caramel involving a pressure cooker - but you have to wait overnight, and sadly I didn't have such patience, haha!
8.5 out of 10.