Kellogg’s White Chocolate Coco Pops
Recently Kellogg's announced a new product launch that got everyone rather excited indeed - they've gone and made a white chocolate version of Coco Pops! Yes, these have been flying off the shelves in...
View ArticleAsda Raspberry Flavour Unicorn Spread
As annoying as the Unicorn trend is becoming (let it rest, it’s had it’s day!) I did get quite excited when I found out Asda have a new raspberry flavour “Unicorn” spread out. Simply because it’s such...
View ArticlePoundland Twin Peaks Caramel Crunch Review
Despite being a knock-off of Toblerone, Poundland's Twin Peaks bar has now racked up quite a number of varieties...there's everything from Milk Chocolate, White Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, Fruit and...
View ArticleAsda Tinned Banana Blossom Review
Recently, I spotted a totally new vegetable/fruit (not sure which it actually is!) in Asda called Banana Blossom in a tin. It was next to the tins of Jackfruit which is a well known vegan meat...
View ArticleCoconuts Organic Choc Orange Swirl Non Dairy Ice Cream
If you're into dairy free or vegan ice cream, good news, there's a new plant based alternative on the block: Coconuts Organic! Formerly called Coconuts Naturally they have rebranded and are now...
View ArticleDr Pepper Gummy Soda Bottles Review
Amongst some of the sweets I got from A Taste of The States recently were these Dr Pepper Gummy Bottles - a rather unique take on the classic soda bottle sweet! To get a 20% discount off these or any...
View ArticleSalted Caramel M&M’s Review
For once, it seems that Mars UK are giving British consumers a new M&M's variety we actually want (since they're denying us lovely treats such as White Chocolate M&M's, Peanut Butter Snickers,...
View ArticleCadbury Dairy Milk 30% Less Sugar Review
So in the midst of this heatwave what did I do? Buy chocolate! Only because it’s new and only in the name of research, you understand ;)This new Cadbury Dairy Milk 30% Less Sugar is available from...
View ArticleWhite Chocolate Galaxy Bar Review
For some inexplicable reason, other countries get a lot of delightful snacks we seem unable to get ahold of here in the UK. Things like White M&Ms, Cadbury Caramilk Bars...and White Chocolate...
View ArticleGalaxy Fruit & Nut Chocolate Review
I didn’t even know that Galaxy UK had stopped selling their Fruit & Nut variety until recently, when GB gifts announced they were getting some in. Apparently they haven’t been on shelves for a...
View ArticleNestle Munchies Chocolate Fudge Brownie
Recently, folks got rather excited when two new Munchies varieties were announced by Nestle: the first being today's review; Munchies Chocolate Fudge Brownie, and the other being Cookie Dough. They're...
View ArticleM&Ms Peanut Milk Chocolate Bar
Recently, Mars UK launched their M&M's bars range as well as Salted Caramel M&M's - what a treat! They're finally giving us more interesting products than they have in previous years. And these...
View ArticleHunter & Gather Mayocado (Vegan Mayo) Review
Wow, it’s been a long time since I posted! Apologies to anyone who still reads my blog. I’ve somewhat migrated to Instagram and it’s taken up most of my time, although I do miss doing the more wordy...
View ArticleKitkat Chocolatory Springtime in Japan Review
You may have heard in the news recently that KitKat Chocolatory has been launched in the UK - it's a service where you can create your own KitKat bar with different chocolates and fillings, or choose...
View ArticleCadbury Dream White Christmas Review
Christmas is fast approaching, and while it might not be a White Christmas weather-wise (more like a washout-mas!) it now can be in terms of chocolate! Because you can get Cadbury Dream White Christmas...
View ArticleCadbury Bournville Old Jamaica is back!
This is a bit of an oldie from Cadbury, albeit one that has come and gone in various formats over the years. With the success of their Bournville with Orange bar, and Veganuary in full swing, they've...
View ArticleMarks & Spencer Percy Pig Dessert Sauce
Not content with just being a sweet, Percy Pig wants to change...into sauce! Equal rights for everyone and all that - who are we to stop Percy if this is what he dreams of?My initial reaction to this...
View ArticleHershey's Cookies 'N' Creme Eggs Review
It's only January but Easter treats are now appearing in shops in abunadance...everything from Hot Cross Buns, Crème Egg Ice Creams and a variety of new Mini eggs. One that I just had to try (a few...
View ArticleCadbury Caramilk Twirl Review
As usual, Australia get all the best new snack releases and that’s no exception with these Cadbury Caramilk Twirls, which luckily you can get from Gb Gifts website (code Kevs10 gets 10% off). I’ve...
View ArticleDoisy & Dam Ballers and D&Ds Review
I was quite intrigued when Doisy and Dam announced some new snack products for Veganuary recently, the dairy free, gluten free vegan Ballers, D&D’s and Buttons range that you can now find in...
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